AICO 240v Interlinked Detectors

AICO 240v Interlinked Detectors:

Smoke and Heat Alarms

  • Smoke and heat alarms should be sited on the ceiling, and sited as centrally as possible within the room are installed.
  • Detector must be sited at least 300mm from room wall, light fittings, obstructions, fittings or other items that can cause interference to the detector.
  • By doing above it will restrict any dead air caused by corners and items that can block air flow to the detector.
  • There a should be a detector sited withing 3 meters of a doorway unless sited in a HMO or flats.
  • Detectors should be installed between bedrooms and high-risk room.
  • Detectors should never be sited in bathroom due to the steam and moisture can cause problems with the detectors.
  • Alarms should not be sited within bathrooms or too close to a bathroom door as steam and moisture can affect them.
  • The Ei3024 Multi-Sensor Fire Alarm gives you a combination of both optical smoke and heat detector in one unit.

AICO 240V Smoke/Heat Detection:

Factors that you need to consider when installing Detectors:


  • The detectors are to be installed on flat ceilings in the hallway and landing of the staircase. Do not install the detectors on a sloped ceiling directly above the staircase.

Peaked and sloped ceilings:

  • Smoke Alarms: Detectors are to be sited at a maximum of 600mm down from the apex of the ceiling.
  • Heat Detectors: Detectors are to be sited at a maximum of 150mm down from the apex of the ceiling.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

When you go to install a Carbon Monoxide detector its sitting position will depend on whether you will have a fuel burning appliance or not.

A room with a fuel burning appliance:

  • Detectors should always be installed on the room's ceiling.
  • Detector to be sited 1 to 3 metres from the Carbon Monoxide source.
  • Must be sited at least 300mm from the room wall, light fittings, obstructions.
  • Should the fuel burning appliance be installed in a small cupboard/room that covers the fuel burning appliance then the detector should be sited on the ceiling close to the cupboard/room.

In a room without a fuel burning appliance:

  • Alarms should be sited at breathing height.
  • If installed within a bedroom, this could be at the height of the bedhead.

If you would like an installation quotation, then please send us a message/email or call Richard direct on 01823353525 0R 07717719484.